I’m walking along in mid-October, the sky is bright and the leaves are changing. I have my big coat on and have my hands in my pockets. The wind is blowing, and it’s pushing my hair all around my face. I’m headed for the train station to pick up a friend of mine, we had been close long ago, but we had lost touch, and so we decided to catch up. I am elated, despite the brisk wind coming at me. Along the way I stopped in a bagel shop and bought us each a New York style bagel with cream cheese, our favourite. While in the shop I see a girl my age with dark brown hair. I’m not really worried about it, so I continue out. The warm bagels are heating my hands, and I just remembered that I didn’t have any breakfast, I'm nervous for some, reason, I don’t know how my encounter will play out. Wonder if…BAM! Ouch! Someone just walked into me! Oww, I’m on the floor, oww my hip! She’s still on the floor, oh dear did I hurt her? “are you ok? I did not see you coming, actually I didn’t see you at all,”
“Ya I’m ok, oww,”
“I know my hip hurts too,” it’s not really funny but I’m chuckling right now.
“Is some thing funny?”
“No,” oh dear I’m still laughing “I just…well actually didn’t I see you in the bagel shop?”
“I don’t really know what you’re talking about”
“What? No, no I saw you in the bagel shop!”
“You couldn’t have”
“And why is that?”
“Because you’re not supposed to see me”
“What?! Are you sure you’re ok?” she isn’t answering, what is going on. Oh, I’m staring at her. “Well I have to get to the train station, so if you’re ok, I need to get going,”
“But you’re not going to the train station, are you?”
“Lady, look, I don’t know who you are or what you are talking about,”
“Sure you do. I’m Zaba.” Zaba? Do I know this person? How does she know me? School? No. Work? No.
“Like I said, you’re not going to the station; you are coming with me.”
“wow there, I’m not going anywhere!” Run feet, run. I just have to keep moving forward. The bagels aren’t warm anymore. The stupid wind is still blowing. I cant see. BAM!
“Hey! Sorry, the train was late! Wow, you are that excited to see me?” sigh. It’s him, thank goodness.
“Oh my goodness, some strange girl was totally creeping me out, she whammed right into me.”
“Do you mean her?” He is pointing behind me. Oh no, she's standing right behind me, isn't she? Oh my god! It’s her! I probably look like a fool right now, with my mouth agape and clutching my friend. But I don’t care I’m scared! Zaba, or whatever she said her name was, is creeping me out! Am I holding his hand? Am I running? Yup, this is clearly a matter of survival. Let's just hope I survive to laugh this off some day!He’s yelling something at me I think he said ‘where are we going?’
“I don’t know, just run!” ahhh she has us cornered. "Stay away from me, zombie girl!"
"How did you know?"
"Quick let's run into the park! What stops zombies?"
"I don't know!" Great isn't he helpful.
"Let's go." I need to whisper to him to go in opposite directions. I know I'll text him! Where is my phone? Oh goodness, I picked the wrong day to bring my fashionable but huge bag!
"OK" Good, we're both running. Now I just need to figure out a way to kill zombies, ya piece of cake:S What about water? OH shoot, or was that for witches? Well, it's worth a shot.
"Over here zombie girl!" I just need to lure her to the pool. SPLASH! ok I'm in, now where's...SPLASH, FIZZ. AHH, there she is now get me out of here! WOW, i guess water and chlorine did the trick.
"You did it!"
"Huh?!I guess I did. Now what did I do with those bagels?"
" Aw, you got me a bagel? We'll go get more, my treat. Let's go?"
"Definitely." Ya, piece of cake. ;) I should totally get paid for that!