Friday, June 11, 2010

Describe a sunset to a blind person

this is probably the hardest thing anyone could ever ask you to do. a blind person does not know what sunny , yellow, or any other colour for that matter, or bright means. thus, how can you explain a sunset without visually describing it?

your sitting on a bench with a blind person. you are facing the ocean, they ask you what is a sunset like, and you turn to them and say: "the sun is setting, its warm, its inviting. it fills you up with awe, hope and dreams. the warmth fills your heart. it makes you feel like you could grab the sun's rays like a bouquet of flowers and hold them tight. it makes you aware of the day gone past and prepares you for the night to come. "

the blind person, turns their head back to you and says "its just beautiful isn't it?"

you smile a small, happy smile and reply "yes, yes it is"